This Quilt I plan to dub: God Save the Alamo!
Another Idea also came to mind, when I found the quilts below in The Quilt Engagement Caledar Treasury, The first quilt is from 1850, made in Yonkers, NY, and has the following sewn into it:
A Heart I send you Squire Baldwine
Reject it not I do implore thee
A warm reception may it meet
My name a secret I must keep
signed: Old Maid

The Quilt Engagement Calendar Treasury, by Cyril I. Nelson & Carter Houck pg: 96
The idea here would be to have the black top hat, a heart, and a brown cowboy hat beneath. I would still need to draft that option up, so I'm a bit more inclided towards the first option. Below is another version of a 'Hat and Heart' quilt from the 1980's, also in the Quilt Engagement Calendar Treasury, pg 123.

Feedback is welcome, so let me know your thoughts.